Issue Position: Jobs, Business, and Economy

Issue Position

Chairs the Governor's Advanced Manufacturing Education Advisory Council and is a leading voice in creating innovative solutions to grow a 21st century economy in New Hampshire.
Sponsored and passed in the Senate (24 -- 0) legislation to lower energy costs for New Hampshire businesses and promote renewable energy use.
Led innovative and market driven legislation enabling New Hampshire businesses to incorporate as a "Benefit Corporation" within our current corporate laws.
Supported pay equity legislation enforcing equal pay for equal work.
Sponsored a tax credit bill to help small New Hampshire businesses create new jobs by encouraging advanced manufacturing and promoting environmental sustainability through the purchase and use of energy efficient products.
Passed legislation such as the Research and Development Tax Credit to encourage innovative ideas creating new jobs.
Supported the New Hampshire Working program that helped prevent layoffs, expanded unemployment benefits, and added additional funding for job training programs.
Sponsored and passed SB 153, the "Auto Dealer Bill of Rights," which provides additional financial and legal protections for local auto dealers, their employees and consumers.
Invested in transportation infrastructure across our state supporting businesses and tourism.
Sponsored legislation enabling municipalities to facilitate the infrastructure investment necessary for broadband high speed internet.
